(From the April 2008 Newsletter)
Spring is an exciting time in Oregon as flowers bloom, temperatures warm and an election nears. It’s an exciting time at SVPP, too, as we prepare for our Annual Partners’ Meeting, select our next community investments and elect a new Board of Directors. But some things do stay constant--our Partners continue to do great work in the community with great Investee organizations. You’ll learn about two below. And we continue to knit together our Partners around Portland and around the world to learn from one another and make change in our communities.
-Mark Holloway, Executive Director
SVPP Boosts Support for Latino Families in Forest Grove
(From the April 2008 Newsletter)
Two years ago, SVPP invested in a coalition of organizations in Forest Grove engaging Latino students and parents to improve academic connectedness and success. Since that time, these organizations have conducted outreach and created services to engage students and their parents, resulting in significant improvement in student achievement for minority and low-income students. (See The Oregonian, 3/25/08). SVPP Partner Martha Soltesz has also jumped into this work with a monthly program on topics of interest for parents at Echo Shaw Elementary School.
So far, Martha has conducted four sessions in the parents’ native Spanish language on nutrition, dental hygiene, safety in the home and fire prevention. Parents have shown great enthusiasm for the programs and the guest speakers that Martha has invited. “It means a great deal to these parents to meet people in their local community who care enough to share information and provide resources to their families,” Martha said. “As a recently retired teacher, it has also been great fun for me.”
One coalition member,
the Forest Grove School District, has made great strides in supporting Latino achievement. Forest Grove High School has received the Oregon Department of Education’s Celebrating School Success award for three years. The district also launched a Parent Advisory Council that has attracted many Latino families. Several area agencies have joined to conduct home visits through a Promotoras program to make health referrals and provide necessary school supplies and necessities. Still others have started programs for mentoring of young migrant and Latino girls.
To learn more about the progress of this SVPP Investee, click here to download the latest report.

So far, Martha has conducted four sessions in the parents’ native Spanish language on nutrition, dental hygiene, safety in the home and fire prevention. Parents have shown great enthusiasm for the programs and the guest speakers that Martha has invited. “It means a great deal to these parents to meet people in their local community who care enough to share information and provide resources to their families,” Martha said. “As a recently retired teacher, it has also been great fun for me.”
One coalition member,

To learn more about the progress of this SVPP Investee, click here to download the latest report.
SVPP Investee Founder Awarded ‘Citizen of the Year’
(From the April 2008 Newsletter)
SVPP congratulates The Shadow Project’s founder and President, Christy Scattarella, on being awarded the Oregon Education Association’s Education Citizen of the Year. The award recognizes individuals or organizations that have made a significant contribution to, or impact on, public education in Oregon. It is the highest honor for a non-member of the Oregon Education Association (OEA), the state’s largest public school employee organization.
As the parent of a child with special needs, Christy Scattarella founded The Shadow Project in 1997 to provide special education workers a resource for helping at-risk students stay engaged at school. The organization helps educators provide new books, school supplies, educational toys and gifts for family members to help motivate students. Outside of Shadow classrooms, educators often pay for these supplies and rewards out of their own pockets.
In founding and shepherding The Shadow Project over the last ten years, Christy has volunteered more than 9,500 hours for this cause. She was a driving force in establishing the SVPP investment with her organization, which began last year. For more information on this Investee, please see the SVPP Web site page, Who We Support.
SVPP congratulates The Shadow Project’s founder and President, Christy Scattarella, on being awarded the Oregon Education Association’s Education Citizen of the Year. The award recognizes individuals or organizations that have made a significant contribution to, or impact on, public education in Oregon. It is the highest honor for a non-member of the Oregon Education Association (OEA), the state’s largest public school employee organization.
As the parent of a child with special needs, Christy Scattarella founded The Shadow Project in 1997 to provide special education workers a resource for helping at-risk students stay engaged at school. The organization helps educators provide new books, school supplies, educational toys and gifts for family members to help motivate students. Outside of Shadow classrooms, educators often pay for these supplies and rewards out of their own pockets.
In founding and shepherding The Shadow Project over the last ten years, Christy has volunteered more than 9,500 hours for this cause. She was a driving force in establishing the SVPP investment with her organization, which began last year. For more information on this Investee, please see the SVPP Web site page, Who We Support.
SVP Launches International Online Philanthropy Network
(From the April 2008 Newsletter)
With the launch of Social Venture Partners International “My Sites,” a new philanthropy networking tool has been born. My Sites allows more than 2,000 Partners around the world to easily find and connect with others who share interests in ‘giving back’ to the community.
While many people belong to resume-focused and personal sharing networks -- a la LinkedIn and Facebook -- none of these helps one find, contact and learn from both budding and seasoned philanthropists throughout the SVP network. Partners will be able to see which of their peers have worked as Executive Directors in the nonprofit industry or developed marketing campaigns for Fortune 500 companies. They’ll also find be able to find folks with expertise in strategic planning and board development as well as rock climbing and organic gardening. My Sites invites users to share personal interests with one another as well as manage and store documents, content, links and contacts.
SVP International will regularly feature a Partner profile on its Intranet so Partners are urged to get started on their My Site profile today! Partners may get connected by contacting Diane Selden, SVPP Partner Engagement Manager.
With the launch of Social Venture Partners International “My Sites,” a new philanthropy networking tool has been born. My Sites allows more than 2,000 Partners around the world to easily find and connect with others who share interests in ‘giving back’ to the community.
While many people belong to resume-focused and personal sharing networks -- a la LinkedIn and Facebook -- none of these helps one find, contact and learn from both budding and seasoned philanthropists throughout the SVP network. Partners will be able to see which of their peers have worked as Executive Directors in the nonprofit industry or developed marketing campaigns for Fortune 500 companies. They’ll also find be able to find folks with expertise in strategic planning and board development as well as rock climbing and organic gardening. My Sites invites users to share personal interests with one another as well as manage and store documents, content, links and contacts.
SVP International will regularly feature a Partner profile on its Intranet so Partners are urged to get started on their My Site profile today! Partners may get connected by contacting Diane Selden, SVPP Partner Engagement Manager.
SVPP Welcomes Paul & Debbi Brainerd for Annual Meeting
(From the April 2008 Newsletter)
Environmental Philanthropists and Tech Entrepreneur to Speak on May 15
The father of desktop publishing and founders of a
the keynote speakers at SVPP’s Annual Partners’ Meeting on May 15, 2008. As the creator of Aldus PageMaker in 1985, Paul Brainerd coined the term 255-acre environmental learning center will serve as “desktop publishing.” He has since helped found the Social Venture Partners movement and a variety of environmental advocacy and nonprofit efforts. Paul and his wife Debbi created IslandWood on Bainbridge Island near Seattle to educate and inspire school-aged children for lifelong environmental and community stewardship.
SVPP will host an armchair conversation with the Brainerds focused on the topic “Trend Spotting in Your Life, Your Giving and Your World” to glean wisdom learned from their many entrepreneurial turns. The latest came when Paul announced that The Brainerd Foundation would Paul spend its entire endowment in the next 10 to 12 years.
The Annual Partners’ Meeting offers SVPP Partners the
opportunity to network and learn from other Partners, our nonprofit Investees and community leaders like Paul and Debbi Brainerd. The event will be held May 15, 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the new University of Oregon White Stag Block. Please contact Diane Selden for more information or to R.S.V.P.
The Brainerds will also be the guests of honor at a breakfast for area foundation staff and trustees on May 16. Contact Grantmakers of Oregon and Southwest Washington for more information.
Environmental Philanthropists and Tech Entrepreneur to Speak on May 15
The father of desktop publishing and founders of a

SVPP will host an armchair conversation with the Brainerds focused on the topic “Trend Spotting in Your Life, Your Giving and Your World” to glean wisdom learned from their many entrepreneurial turns. The latest came when Paul announced that The Brainerd Foundation would Paul spend its entire endowment in the next 10 to 12 years.
The Annual Partners’ Meeting offers SVPP Partners the

The Brainerds will also be the guests of honor at a breakfast for area foundation staff and trustees on May 16. Contact Grantmakers of Oregon and Southwest Washington for more information.
Partner Highlights
(From the April 2008 Newsletter)
SVP Portland is pleased to welcome the following new Partners:
Nathaniel "Than" Clevenger III
Than, a native of southeastern Virginia, is husband to Sydney and father to three children: Jack (age 8), Steele Elizabeth (4), and Gus Henry (2). He was trained in a family business and went to college in the D.C. area, graduating from George Mason University. He worked as a lobbyist, speechwriter and marketing/communications strategist for a variety of CEO's, senior executives, D.C. mayors, foreign governments and charlatans of one kind or another before moving to Oregon in 1998 at the request of his native Oregonian wife. Than now serves as an outsource Chief Marketing Officer for companies in Nova Scotia, Texas, Louisiana, Virginia, Oregon and other places around the world. He owns an environmental printing company: www.greendogprinting.com.
He says he enjoys Oregon from June to October and prefers his home back east from November through May (when he can get there). Than believes in SVP's mission and is always interested in lending a hand when asked. "I've always admired the Partners for their hard work, dedication and unique leadership skills. It's a blessing to me to be part of SVPP again." Little known fact about Than: he collects toy Napoleonic soldiers.
Adam and Melissa Light
Melissa J. Light has a background in fundraising for nonprofit organizations and is currently Director of Development and Communications at Chess for Success. Melissa holds a Master's Degree in writing, literature, and publishing from Emerson College in Boston. Adam Light manages software product development as Director of Planning and Program Management for TransUnion. He studied geography at Dartmouth College and the University of Colorado before earning his Ph.D. from the University of Oregon. Melissa is an avid tennis player; Adam loves running. Together the couple enjoys food, cooking and outdoor activities such as hiking, skiing and bicycling. Adam and Melissa have been married for two years and are expecting their first child in October.
Libbi Loseke Winter
Libbi is a graduate of the University of Oregon, but originally a native of the Midwest. She is a Senior Associate at 3, the creative communications co. where she helps manage and publicize events, develop design and content for Web sites and marketing materials, and write newsletters and other creative content (including helping with the SVP Portland newsletter). Libbi has been involved with SVP Portland and CASH Oregon since mid-2005. “I’ve really enjoyed watching CASH Oregon evolve as an organization and increase the positive impact they make in our community – a feat made all the more possible by SVP Portland.” Libbi is recently married (a newlywed for just under two months). Her husband, Erik Winter, is an architect at a Portland architectural firm. She loves to cook – especially anything that has bacon in it. Libbi works with and shares a SVPP Partnership with Than Clevenger.
Please visit SVPP’s Join site or contact Mark Holloway to learn about becoming an SVP Partner.
SVP Portland is pleased to welcome the following new Partners:
Nathaniel "Than" Clevenger III

He says he enjoys Oregon from June to October and prefers his home back east from November through May (when he can get there). Than believes in SVP's mission and is always interested in lending a hand when asked. "I've always admired the Partners for their hard work, dedication and unique leadership skills. It's a blessing to me to be part of SVPP again." Little known fact about Than: he collects toy Napoleonic soldiers.
Adam and Melissa Light

Libbi Loseke Winter

Please visit SVPP’s Join site or contact Mark Holloway to learn about becoming an SVP Partner.
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