SVPP to Field Its 2004 Investment Team

(From the September 2004 Newsletter)

Social Venture Partners is ready to assemble its fourth Investment Team. Work will start this fall on identifying and evaluating opportunities in the four county area of Portland and Vancouver, and should conclude next summer with a financial and volunteering commitment to our next nonprofit investee.

The Investment Team provides some of the most educational and most exciting work SVPP has to offer. Members learn about the great variety of philanthropic work going on in our area, they learn about the due diligence of grant-making, and they have the satisfaction of helping to direct SVPP funds toward their best use. They have the opportunity, in addition, to work closely with other Partners and deepen their connection with SVPP.

Partner Boyce Smith, who served on SVPP's first Investment Team in 2001, as chair, and served again on the 2002 Team, will chair the 2004 Investment Team. For more information and to volunteer, please contact him at or at 503-591-0378.

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