The Shadow Project Expanding to Help More At-risk Students

(From the September 2008 Newsletter)

The Shadow Project (TSP), an SVPP Investee since 2007, was founded 11 years ago by Christy Scattarella, a mother whose son has learning disabilities. TSP providesIMG_0915.JPG special education teachers a resource for helping at-risk students stay engaged at school by providing new books, school supplies, educational toys and gifts for family members to help motivate students. Most students in The Shadow Project are in grades K-5 and all have barriers to learning including ADHD, dyslexia, autism, emotional and behavioral disorders, and speech/language impairment. Two-thirds of them come from families at or below the poverty level. The Shadow Project has proven results showing that it excites these students about learning before they’re caught in the downward spiral of dropout, drugs and delinquency.

SVPP is working with The Shadow Project to expand their program beyond the IMG_0898.JPGPortland Public Schools by replicating their proven approach. In addition to funding, SVPP Partners have provided critical expertise: Nola Wilken has provided guidance in inventory and fiscal management and Steve Rosenbaum, Nathaniel Clevenger and Libbi Loseke Winter have been instrumental in refining TSP’s community outreach and identity. SVPP Partners have also helped with the nuts and bolts of the program, providing many hours of volunteer effort at work parties preparing inventory for teacher “shopping.”

Since engaging with SVPP, The Shadow Project has expanded the number of children served from 1,000 to more than 1,200 today with plans to exceed 1,800 by 2010. The pilot program in Yamhill County continues to surpass expectations and this fall TSP will expand into the Hillsboro School District at Eastwood Elementary.

The Shadow Project's long-term goal is to make its program available to any school district that wants to implement it. As a direct result of SVPP’s involvement, The Shadow Project will be able to help substantially more children in special education become engaged, confident and focused on learning.

Learn more about The Shadow Project at

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