SVPP Campaign for New Partners Under Way

In the March 2009 newsletter, we asked you for your thoughts, comments and questions. Have something you'd like to share? Click the "Post a Comment" link at the end of this article to join the conversation.

Tony and Holly Haber joined SVPP in January because they wanted to have more impact in the community than they did through traditional donations. With three school-aged children, they also wanted to share these values in a meaningful way so their kids grow up to be ‘givers’ as well. Tony and Holly will soon join our Investment Team to select the next Capacity Building Fund investment and they’re looking forward to our SVPP Family initiative.

PartnerButtonGIF.gifReferButtonGIF.gifTony and Holly are just two of many people in the Portland area who want to “really give back” by leveraging their charitable donations with the volunteer expertise, resources and reputation of a corps of fellow Partners. In fact, eleven people joined SVPP in the last three months seeking to build a better Portland. Now SVPP is opening its doors to find more new Partners like these and help us double SVPP’s membership by 2011.

In this economy, it will be no small task. Thus, we formed a team to organize these recruitment efforts and build outreach efforts in the community. First and foremost, we seek to maintain the diverse existing Partner mix of retirees, working professionals, families, Gen X and Yers, and business investors who believe in the SVP philanthropy model. We have also made Partnerships available for local foundations and businesses and for professionals working in nonprofit organizations at a reduced contribution “buy-in.” See all of the benefits and options here.

As in Portland, SVP affiliates around the world find that Porter family.jpgour best new Partners come from referrals by current Partners and friends of SVPP. This comes as no surprise since SVPP attracts people with like-minded desires to give back to our community in a unique and high-impact way. If you know of a person who might like to learn more about SVPP, contact Les Soltesz, Recruitment Committee lead, or Mark Holloway, Executive Director.

The Recruitment campaign will run through the end of April.

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