SVPP News - Colin Powell Speaks at the Boys & Girls Club

(From the October 2006 Newsletter)

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell was invited to celebrate the groundbreaking of the Hillsboro Club construction on October 9. The expansion of the Hillsboro Club will include a new state of the art gym and the third Kids Café in the Portland area. SVPP has been the lead investor for Kids Cafés and we have helped with program management of the construction of the kitchens.

Former Secretary Powell has a long affiliation with BG&C and has been a strong supporter of this organization. He related wonderfully to the kids and gave a short speech revolving around leadership with the strong message: value yourselves; value each other". The Q&A session was the most entertaining part of the event and lasted for more than 20 minutes. He asked each kid to come up front and ask their question with head up, eyes straight ahead. He threw out the first question which was "how old do you think I am" - one kid yelled out "80" which brought the house down!

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