Through grants with SVPP, our investees thrive and grow. We're very excited to announce that CASH Oregon, New Avenues for Youth, the Parental Engagement Program, and the Forest Grove Latino Community Network program have all been able to add new staff to their organizations in the last few months.
CASH Oregon welcomes two new members to the team: Thomas Kost and Sarah Broderick.
CASH brings on Thomas as their second Americorps VISTA. He will be developing a financial coaching program to accompany CASH's existing free tax preparation program.
Sarah will be taking over where CASH's previous VISTA left off, doing volunteer recruitment and management at CASH's main location. She will also look to increase CASH Oregon's visibility in the community via outreach, partnering, and media recognition.
The Parental Engagement Program is currently in the process of hiring a Parental Engagement Coordinator. This person will be responsible for organizing a variety of events at Kelly Elementary School to get parents actively participating in the school and to provide encouragement for their children to do well in their studies.
The Forest Grove Latino Community Network program welcomes two new faces, Anabelle Vargas-Fierro and Mariam Barada.
Annabelle is replacing Claudia Yakos as the FGLCN coordinator. Annabelle is a native Spanish speaker who joins us after doing a similar coordinating position in a Hillsboro school district.
Mariam Barada is replacing John Gorman as Annabelle's supervisor. Mariam will be the FGLCN ESL coordinator. She previously worked for the Portland school district coordinating second language programs.
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