Dr. Donna Beegle Speaks to SVPP at Annual Partners' Meeting
On May 17, 2007, Partners, Investees and guests attended SVPP's Annual Partners' Meeting held at the World Forestry Center. The meeting provided great opportunities to reengage with Partners, meet new faces and interact directly with all our Investees.
The guest speaker, Donna M. Beegle, EdD, spoke about the dynamics of living in poverty, having lived in this powerless situation for 28 years herself. She also sensitized everyone to the lack of knowledge by most of us on this subject, pointing out that our society and schools don't teach the history or dynamics of poverty. Her personal accounts of growing up in generations of poverty, homelessness and illiteracy provided a riveting topic that captivated the large audience and motivated all of us to be more aware and active in fighting the causes of poverty.
SVPP Hosts Jim Lambright, Chairman of Export-Import Bank
Together with Wells Fargo Private Banking, SVPP hosted a reception on May 9th for Mr. Jim Lambright, President and Chairman of the Board of the Export-Import Bank of the United States. Mr. Lambright, a personal friend of Partner Rance Gregory, provided strong insight into the role that the Export-Import Bank plays in providing insurance and financial guarantees to support U.S. export transactions that would not otherwise occur without credit support.
Investment Team Narrows Options for 2007 Grant
After months of diligence and hard work, the 2007 Investment Team has selected five finalists out of the 55 Letters of Inquiry received from organizations for our 2007 investment cycle. All of these provide excellent opportunities for SVPP to participate in worthwhile causes in the Portland area and generate volunteering opportunities for SVPP Partners. In May, a survey was sent to SVPP Partners to share information and solicit feedback on these finalists. The selection announcement will be made later this month.
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